Public Comment on

The Office of Economic Development recently received proposals for the 2021 Innovation Grants. The intent of the Innovation Grants is to support new projects that use innovative approaches to solve local problems.

As part of the review process, the Office of Economic Development is inviting the public to view the proposals and provide feedback. This community input will be factored into the scoring as part of the selection process. You can view the proposals using the platform. helps to create civil discussion about which projects we should prioritize here on Kauai. It will visually summarize what our community thinks about each project, and why. Please create an account to evaluate each project on a spectrum from low priority to high priority, and give your pros and cons. 

The deadline for public review and comment is February 22, 2021. You can view the full list of proposals at: We encourage you to read through the descriptions and share your thoughts on the importance of funding each proposal.

To use

  • Step 1: Open the OED Innovation Grants page.
  • Step 2: Browse through proposals to view a brief description or the longer full proposal.
  • Step 3: If you would like to provide input, you need to create an account with
  • Step 4: After reading the proposal, you can provide feedback in two ways. You can share what you feel are the pros and or cons of the proposal by clicking on the “give an opinion” button. You can also rate where the proposal falls on the scale from low to high priority for funding.
  • Step 5: You can then read another proposal and repeat the process.
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