Kūpa‘a means being steadfast and committed. The Kūpa‘a Kauai logo reflects the people of Kauai pulling together, committed to a common goal. It represents the resilience, strength and aloha spirit of our people. The County of Kauai has partnered with members of the Business sector team, including the Kauai Chamber of Commerce and Jaxon Communications, to create this video that captures the message of Kupa`a Kauai.
You can follow @Kupaakauai on Facebook and Instagram. We will share content on those pages, but as we pull together as a community, we want to hear from you. When you share stories of resilience and strength throughout this time, use the hashtag #Kupaakauai. We want to highlight all of the good things that are happening in our community as we come together to move Kauai Forward.
Kickoff to #Kupaakauai
We invite you to join us in sharing stories of the resilience, strength and aloha spirit of the people of Kauai as we pull together in response to this pandemic.
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