About OED
The Office of Economic Development (OED) is dedicated to supporting sustainable, equitable economic growth for the island of Kaua’i.
By partnering with impactful organizations and supporting innovative initiatives, OED ensures actions are taken that create better jobs, focus on supporting better living conditions and access to food, and progress energy and transportation methods on the island.

impactful organizations and innovative initiatives
OED has put together web-based tools to provide specific solutions and information.
kauaimade.net is a website that works with local creators and artisans to promote and sell their products. KauaiMade is an OED-run program that accepts applications and offers branding and retail opportunities to boost business.
Film Commision
The film commission is an OED-based program that guides filmmakers through the appropriate processes and documentation necessary to create their fantastic works of art.
The film commission is an OED-based program that guides filmmakers through the appropriate processes and documentation necessary to create their fantastic works of art.
GetAroundKauai provides solutions related to transportation around the island. This informative website connects users with maps, bus routes, and information on the different ways someone can get around Kaua’i.
Office of Economic Development Goals
Local Workforce
Foster and strengthen a well-qualified labor force consistent with local industry direction and workforce needs.
Energy and Renewables
Increase advocacy and coordination efforts for energy efficiency projects, energy emergency preparedness programs, and increase use of renewable resources.
Visitor Industry
Expand and strengthen well-balanced visitor industry promotions and businesses aligned with enhancing island-wide product development projects.
Film Development Efforts
Increase high level film location productions and expand business development efforts to secure a major film studio complex on Kauai.
Support Agriculture
Increase support and collaboration to ensure the continual growth and expansion of Kauai's agricultural project.
Research and Data
Improve the facilitation of coordinated research, market analysis, and compilation of local industry/community-related data and statistics to support business and community development.
Department Mission
The Office of Economic Development works, in partnership with the community, to create economic opportunities towards the development of a healthy, stable and balanced economy for the residents of the County of Kauai.
The Office of Economic Development (OED), as a government entity, interfaces with business and community leaders as well as other government programs to enhance Kauai’s economic development activities. OED is responsible to provide technical and financial support, as feasible, for both large and small business establishments or existing and emerging new industries which offer full employment for Kauai’s residents.

Programs by the Office of Economic Development

Agriculture Strategic Plan

Local Business Support

Destination Management

Energy & Transporation

Kauai Film Commission

Kauai Made Products