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CTAHR Hosts Pest Management Workshop on July 24th

The College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources is hosting a Pest Management Workshop at the Kauai Agricultural Research and Extension Station on Monday, July 24th from 3-5pm. This event is open to Kauai farmers and agriculturalist. There is no cost or registration process, however RSVPs are appreciated. To RSVP, please send an email to [email protected] indicating your…

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Sign up for the Hawaii Commute Challenge | Go Multimodal | Aug 1-31

When it comes to ground transportation, nearly 70% of Hawaiʻiʻs commuters currently choose to drive alone.  The 2023 Commute Challenge aims to change that through a month-long state-wide behavior change initiative through a gamified platforms, participants will be encourages to explore alternative modes of transportation such as walking, biking, carpooling and public transportation throughout the…

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CTAHR to Host Organic Agriculture Mini-Conference – June 19-20th

University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources is hosting an organic agriculture virtual mini-conference on June 19-20. Conference presentations will focus on organic farming (basics, benefits and practices), transitioning to organic farming, and recent results of applied research in sustainable and organic farming. Registration is required at Please see flyer for more…

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CTAHR Hosts Workshop on Cultivating Farm Food Safety: Strategies & Tools for Worker Training, June 5th

University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Cooperative Extension is hosting a workshop on farm food safety training. This workshop will cover strategies and tools to train employees and volunteer farm workers who handle fresh produce. Farm owners, managers, supervisors, and anyone responsible for farm food safety training are encouraged to attend.…

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