CTAHR Hosts Workshop on Cultivating Farm Food Safety: Strategies & Tools for Worker Training, June 5th
University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Cooperative Extension is hosting a workshop on farm food safety training. This workshop will cover strategies and tools to train employees and volunteer farm workers who handle fresh produce. Farm owners, managers, supervisors, and anyone responsible for farm food safety training are encouraged to attend.…
Read articleMalama Kauai Opens The FEED Orchard Grant For Kauai Based Famers
Malama Kauai’s FEED Orchard Grants are intended to increase fruit production to fill market gaps and increase local fruit made available to food access programs. The FEED Orchard Grant Package includes: $1,500 in mature food trees of your choice to install on your farm (must have low WRA score) $500 for orchard expansion supplies: compost,…
Read articleFrom Start to Finish: Public EV Charging Installation Webinar
Do you know of any businesses, shopping centers, or other property owners interested in installing public EV charger stations (EVCS)? Join us on Thursday, June 1st at 10:00 AM on Zoom for tips to navigate the permitting process, find incentives to lower installation costs, and keep charging infrastructure in working order. You’ll hear from Blue Planet, Kaua’i Island Utility Cooperative, County of Kauaʻi, current…
Read articleLihue Business Association 2023 Legislative Update
The Lihue Business Association (LBA) will be hosting a meeting for its 2023 Legislative Update where they will discuss with Kauai legislators. Legislators will provide an overview of the legislative session, bills and their effect on Kauai. The meeting is free and open to the public. Where: Duke’s Restaurant, 3610 Rice St, Lihue, HI 96766…
Read articleHDOA Micro-Grant for Food Security Program Opens
The Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture (HDOA) is now accepting applications for the popular Micro-Grant for Food Security Program (MGFSP). This is the third year of the grant program which provides support for small-scale gardening, herding and livestock operations to increase the quantity and quality of locally grown food in food insecure communities. A total of…
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