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Pediatric vaccines – mobile clinics

COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children ages 5-11 at Wilcox Medical Center and Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital (KVMH). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the Pfizer vaccine for this age group today, Nov. 2, after it received emergency use authorization from the FDA on Oct. 29. The vaccine is now able to be administered to this age group effective immediately

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Kaua‘i’s Federal Homeowner Assistance Program

The State of Hawai‘i and the counties of Hawai‘i and Kaua‘i joined nonprofit community development financial institution, Hawai‘i Community Lending (HCL), to announce the launch of a new $5-million Homeowner Assistance Fund. The U.S. Congress established the fund in the Department of the Treasury with the purpose of mitigating financial hardships associated with the coronavirus pandemic. The fund will provide homeowners with grants to prevent mortgage delinquencies, defaults and foreclosures

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Kauai Enterprise Zone Session with HTDC

The Enterprise Zones Partnership Program gives State & County benefits to companies in an effort to stimulate business activity, job preservation, and job creation in areas where they are most appropriate or most needed. If your business meets the eligibility requirements and you enroll in the program you can reduce your State taxes and receive other county benefits for up to seven years!

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Vaccines Available for Keiki

COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children ages 5-11 at Wilcox Medical Center and Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital (KVMH). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended the Pfizer vaccine for this age group today, Nov. 2, after it received emergency use authorization from the FDA on Oct. 29. The vaccine is now able to be administered to this age group effective immediately

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Nonprofit Grant Writing Assistance

The Wallace Center's Food Systems Leadership Network is excited to offer this 3-session training on writing federal grant proposals. Join Margaret Krome of Michael Fields Agricultural Institute and Una Van Duvall for three hour-long workshops to help you develop skills for designing and writing successful federal grant proposals. This workshop will strengthen your skills, ability, and confidence around applying for federal USDA funding for agricultural endeavors. The lessons will inform, direct, and coach attendees by utilizing real-life funding examples, peer-to-peer learning, and tips and suggestions on how to design sound projects, find funding and write successful grant proposals.

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