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Kaua’i Job Fair – April 24th

Interested in a new job? Want to see what’s out there? The State of Hawai‘i Workforce Development Division and the County of Kaua‘i have brought together businesses looking for talent. WHEN: Wednesday, April 24, from 1 to 4 p.m. WHERE: Kaua‘i War Memorial Convention Hall located at 4191 Hardy Street in Līhu‘e. Mark your calendars…

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Take Advantage of KIUC’s Commercial Energy Programs

Go to for more information. For specifics on why to transition to LED lighting from KIUC! Lighting technology has improved dramatically in recent years. If your business is still relying on outdated incandescents or fluorescents, it’s time for an upgrade. Keep reading to see the benefits you can enjoy when you use LEDs (light-emitting…

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Waimea Workshop: Affordable Housing Master Plan

The county of Kaua’i released the following announcement: The County of Kaua‘i Housing Agency announces a community workshop for the Waimea 400 Affordable Housing Master Plan project will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 20, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Waimea Canyon Middle School Cafeteria.   This workshop will share more information and gather input…

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Call to Action to Combat Invasive Bird Species on Kauai

To address the concern and invasive impact of the Rose Ringed Parakeet on Kaua‘i, there’s a new citizen science mapping tool available to the public. This tool will be used to gather and track data about parakeet sightings and behaviors. Call to Action: In an initiative to address the growing concern and negative impacts of…

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HDOA Accepting Applications to the Resilient Food System Infrastructure Program

The Resilient Food System Infrastructure (RFSI) program, a federally funded grant program, is accepting applications for projects for agriculture infrastructure and equipment. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) RFSI program is aimed at strengthening middle-of-the-supply chain operations and local food systems by supporting processing, manufacturing, storing, transportation, wholesaling, and distribution of agricultural products.The Hawai‘i Department…

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Kīpuka Kuleana ʻOhana ʻĀina Workshopp

Kīpuka Kuleana will host their annual ʻOhana ʻĀina Workshop on the lunar new year. They invite you to join in important conversations about protecting ancestral ʻāina on Kauaʻi.  ·  Date: Saturday, February 10th ·  Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm ·  Location: Liliʻuokalani Trust – Kīpuka Kauaʻi (4530 Kali Road, Līhuʻe, HI 96766). The workshop will bring ʻohana together to connect and share experiences…

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