CTAHR Virtual Workshop on Avocado Lace Bug Control, Avocado Grafting and General Management, Friday May 5th, 5-7:30pm

The University of Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources and the East-Oahu Farm Bureau are hosting a free virtual workshop on grafting and management techniques to mitigate Avocado Lace Bug (ALB) infestation. First discovered in 2019 on Oahu, ALB is a recent invasive pest in Hawaii that can cause defoliation and ultimately reduce avocado yields. All farmers and home growers are encouraged to register for this workshop to learn more about how to care for their avocado crop and reduce the impacts of ALB.  

To register for the workshop, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/avocado-lace-bug-avocado-grafting-generalmanagement-tickets-623158583097 .

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