Destination Management

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Kauai Destination Management Action Plan (DMAP) 2021-2023

Destination Management Plan


The Office of Economic Development-Tourism collaborates with local partners in managing and supporting Kaua’i tourism that coincides with our economic goals, cultural values and protection of natural resources. Quality of life for residents while maintaining visitor satisfaction are key objectives when directing efforts.

Helpful Links

Kauai Hawaii Beach Safety -
Using current weather, surf, public safety alerts, and beach conditions we calculate hazard levels at Kaua'i beaches. Select a beach from the list to learn more about current conditions and activities.
Kauai Festivals -
There’s much happening on this beautiful island, for residents and visitors alike. Check out Kauai's online calendar of events that celebrate Kauaʻi’s art, history, and culture.
Get Around Kauai -
OED launched a website aimed at informing both visitors and residents of the various transportation options available on Kaua‘i. The website includes an overview of transportation options, a map with Kaua‘i bus stops and routes, regional walking guides, and other tips for how to get around Kaua‘i without a car. Blog posts educate readers on transportation related topics, such as how to reserve an airport shuttle, parking permit requirements for Koke‘e State Park, and more.
Go Hāʻena -
Dedicated to perpetuating and teaching the skills, knowledge, and practices of our kūpuna (ancestors) through the interpretation, restoration, care and protection of the natural and cultural resources that are located within the Hāʻena State Park.
Aloha Pledge -
Whether you're just stopping through, hanging for a while, or planting new roots here on the island of Kauai, we ask you to commit to protecting this beautiful land by joining us in "The Aloha Pledge"

For more information, contact Michelle Rego at [email protected].

Programs by the Office of Economic Development